Thursday, December 18, 2008

Getting Ready For the Trip

This is Kate reporting in. I am setting up a blog before our trip so we can all communicate with our friends and loved ones while we are in New Zealand. Stay tuned for more trip information.


  1. Thanks Kate! We are all excited and have been counting down the months, weeks, and days to the trip and now it is just around the corner. I am working on the packing list and picking up last minute items daily. I think we are almost ready!

  2. I'm not quite as ready but I am definitely counting the days. Thanks Kate!

  3. This is Jess, the favorite sister-in-law, I think that I could get ready really quickly if I needed to. :) We hope you all have an amazing time! What an opportunity!

  4. It will be fun to follow your trip!
    Have a great time. See you in 2009.
